3 Phases of Chiropractic Relief
Regular chiropractic adjustments are a great way to improve your long-term health. Regular visits to your chiropractor will allow you to experience the three stages of chiropractic relief. This will help you address and overcome pain.
Three Phases of Chiropractic Relief
Phase 1: Relief Care
Chiropractic relief begins by helping you to manage your back and neck pain. Many people begin their journey with chiropractic care after experiencing pain and wanting relief. You will receive regular chiropractic adjustments, up to two or three times per week in the relief care phase. This stage ends when you feel no pain and your chiropractor can focus more on the root causes.
Phase 2: Corrective care
You are now ready to begin the second phase. This phase will focus on correcting the causes of your pain. Corrective care will still require you to visit your chiropractor as needed, but less often than in phase 1. Your visits may be combined with corrective exercises or stretches you can do at your home to speed up your body's healing process.
Phase 3: Wellness Care
After your body is healed, and any pain has gone, the third phase of chiropractic care focuses on long-term health. You will continue to receive regular chiropractic adjustments for wellness and maintenance. The final phase will allow you to put more effort into self-improvement via diet and exercise.
Murphy Chiropractic offers chiropractic relief
Pain doesn't have to be your life. Regular chiropractic adjustments can provide pain relief and allow you to restore your body's full functionality. Make your long-term well-being a priority by making an appointment at Murphy Chiropractic in Plainfield, IL.