Pain Medication Alternative Options

Pain Medication Alternative

Do you suffer from chronic pain? Pain relievers might be an option if you suffer from chronic pain. These medications can be purchased over the counter or by prescription for more severe pain. Did you know that the side effects of pain medication may be persistent? Find out how chiropractic care can provide natural pain relief and a safe alternative to pain medication.

Find a solution

The problem is not solved by pain medication. As soon as pain medication is stopped, the pain will return. If you have chronic headaches, for example, and are taking pain medication, it is possible that the pain will disappear but return.

Chiropractors address the root cause of the problem. The pain will then be treated differently. This is often a correction to the spine or extremities.

What are the side effects?

Prescription pain relievers can have side effects that can cause many side effects. Side effects include nausea, drowsiness, stomach upset, and many other symptoms. Side effects can have a significant impact on our daily lives. Not new problems, but pain relief should improve your life.

Chiropractic care provides natural pain relief through manual, hands-on treatment. Long-term relief can be achieved through chiropractic adjustments and realignments. People with arthritis, for example, can improve their movement through finger joint adjustments.

Which approach is safer?

Most pain medications can cause side effects. There are also other potential risks. Long-term use of NSAIDs (like Tylenol), can lead to stomach ulcers or bleeding. Some medications may interact with one another. There is also a chance of side effects in the elderly and children and pregnant or nursing mothers. Doctors still prescribe them and they are used. It is not safe, however.

Chiropractic care is natural and safe because it doesn't involve medication or other invasive medical procedures.

What is more expensive?

When it comes to pain relief, think long-term. Because medications mask pain, it is more likely that it will return. Therefore, there are more medications. This is both risky and very costly. Prescription pain relief medications can build up over time, even if you have insurance.

Many people are concerned about the cost of chiropractic care. In most cases, insurance will cover the cost of treatment. Not all cases require ongoing maintenance. Your chiropractor might adjust your neck and have you return for a follow-up appointment. Then, they will show you how to reduce pain at home. You may not need to do anything more. Three chiropractic visits are less expensive than years of pain medication, even if you have to pay out-of-pocket.

Try the Best Pain Medication Alternative--Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic care has many advantages. They are safer, more affordable, less invasive, and last longer. Do not reach for pain relief next time you feel discomfort or pain. Contact Murphy Chiropractic, your Plainfield, IL chiropractor. It is easy to find long-lasting, natural pain relief.

Dr Jen Murphy

Owner of Murphy Chiropractic and Wellness Center

Long-Term Benefits of Chiropractic Care


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