The Impact Subluxation Can Have On Your Body


Your overall health and well-being are affected by the health of your spine in many ways that you may not be aware. People think of going to the chiropractor to relieve their back and neck pain. However, many people seek regular chiropractic adjustments to improve quality of life. Chiropractic adjustments correct vertebral subluxation complex (or VSC).

Here are the facts about subluxations and how they can affect your body and your health.


The joint is where two or more bones join and motion is created. The full range of motion and/or stuckness in joints can cause them to lose mobility. Chiropractors refer to the following T's as physical trauma (acute or chronic), chemical trauma (toxins in food or environment) or emotional/mental trauma. A loss of range in motion at a spinal joint is the first sign of vertebral subluxation. This can have many detrimental effects on the body's overall health and healing.


Muscles support bones and joints. Muscles are responsible for the movements of joints. Subluxations can cause muscles to tighten and become rigid in order to protect the joint. This muscle guarding is the body's attempt to protect the joint against further damage from improper joint function. If the subluxation continues untreated (via chiropractic adjustment), it will continue to cause muscle tightening and inflexibility. This initial protective mechanism can be very helpful in preventing injury from happening again. However, it can lead to more serious problems if it is not addressed. Because they carry too much motion and support, the muscles can become fatigued and weak.


Subluxations often include inflammation and swelling. Inflammation is the body's way of protecting itself from injury or invading agents. In itself, this process is not harmful as it serves as a healing and protective mechanism. Problems arise when injuries are not treated and the inflammation process is chronic and/or uncontrolled. The inflammation can lead to swelling of the joint and the surrounding areas.


The vertebral foramen is a tiny hole that allows spinal nerves to exit. This space is located near the back of vertebrae, and to the side. It is very small. The size of the hole shrinks when the spinal joints become subluxated. The subluxation can also lead to increased pressure due to tightened muscles, inflammation and swelling. The improper function of joints and the increase in pressure can cause disruptions in communication between the brain and the parts of the body where the nerve is traveling. This pressure can cause discomfort and pain by causing irritation to the nerves as well as the nociceptors (pain), within the joint. The more subluxation persists, the more uncomfortable it becomes.

Harmful Effects

Untreated subluxations can lead to worsening of the condition. If the subluxations aren't corrected, the forces acting on the spine become dysfunctional and cause spinal degeneration. This interference continues to increase and is clearly a problem for brain-body communication. These health effects can have serious and long-lasting consequences. Noticing that almost 90 percent of the nervous systems are unable to transmit pain, is important. The nervous system does not have the job of transmitting pain. Subluxations can be detected by using pain as a primary indicator.

Complexes of vertebral subluxation can have real health side effects. Subluxations can cause serious health problems for your body and mind. To improve your health, the best thing is to have your spine examined by a chiropractor.

Michael Richmond
I am a digital marketing specialist that knows a thing or 2 about creating businesses.

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