The True History of Chiropractic Care

Daniel David Palmer

Chiropractic is a reliable form of natural pain relief which has helped many people have a better quality of life. Although chiropractic is a relatively new medical practice, its roots in chiropractic care date back to 1895.

Chiropractic Care: The Origins

Although chiropractic care was not established until the 20th century as we know, it is a branch of medicine that has roots back to the founders. Hippocrates, a Greek physician, is believed to have first recognized the health benefits of manual spinal manipulation and adjustment. Hippocrates wrote about treatments that were similar to modern chiropractic care in some ways.

It is hard to overstate the impact of Hippocrates's influence on medicine. His immense presence helped spread the idea of chiropractic care to other countries. The depictions of manual spinal adjustment are found in Buddhist temples that were built over 2,000 years ago. This concept was quickly adopted by America's chiropractic profession.

What is Chiropractic Care? Who Is Daniel David Palmer and Why Do They Matter?

David Palmer is widely considered to be the one who invented chiropractic care. Palmer, a Davenport resident, discovered the benefits manual spinal adjustment after reading Harvey Lillard's story. Lillard claimed that he was partially deaf because of a popped disc in his back. Lillard claimed that his hearing was almost back to normal after Palmer did a spinal adjustment.

The name of the technique is Rev. Samuel Weed was a Palmer friend. To create the word "done by hand", he combined the praktos and cheir Greek terms.

Chiropractic Care: How Chiropractic Care Can Help Today

Chiropractic care has been helping people to make the most out of their lives, from its inception to its expansion across the globe. Murphy Chiropractic is a great choice if you have chronic pain or need to improve your mobility and balance.

Michael Richmond
I am a digital marketing specialist that knows a thing or 2 about creating businesses.

Do Chiropractic Adjustments Help?


Long-Term Benefits of Chiropractic Care