Acupuncture Solves Tennis Elbow

Tennis Elbow

Solving Tennis Elbow

Tennis elbow is a stress-related problem that rarely gets better except by non-use of the arm.  If this is your primary arm, it is very hard to avoid using it, and the pain is a constant problem.  

Michael Richmond is one of my mature patient, and he made an appointment to treat tennis elbow on his right side.  A previous visit to a medical doctor for an annual physical took ex-rays showing bone spurs had developed due to stress and tendon problems.  The problem had gone on for a month, and there was no relief from pain and discomfort.

There are some joint issues when acupuncture is surprisingly effective.  I treated Mr. Richmond's right elbow with sports taping and acupuncture.  After leaving for a trip, he emailed me to say that the pain was 90% gone in just a few days.  I applied the same treatment on the second visit, and he found further relief.  Now, about a month later, Mr. Richmond has nearly painless motion in his arm in all normal activities.

I find the reports of patient recovery very rewarding.  Especially when other treatments have offered no solution.  To find out if acupuncture treatments can help alleviate joint or other muscular problems, schedule a visit.  We have great confidence in acupuncture as a real and effective treatment for a variety of health concerns.

Dr Jen Murphy

Owner of Murphy Chiropractic and Wellness Center

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