Start Building Your Immunity Today

Start Building Your Immunity Today

You will experience winds of change approximately every three months, regardless of whether you live in the Northern Lights or at the oceanfront. Many people love autumn for its cooler weather and return to school, or because it offers a chance to get in the holiday spirit. No matter the reason, autumn is more enjoyable if you are healthy throughout the season.

Enjoyment: The Benefits

It can be hard to let go of the summer vibes, and it can be easy to slip into a post-vacation slump. Depression can lead to more than mental suffering. It is important to be aware of signs that depression is coming. A positive outlook can have a positive impact on your physical and psychological well-being.

It doesn't have to be boring. According to an article in Reader's Digest, there are many reasons to enjoy the autumn months.

  • Fewer bugs bites

  • Hayrides and pumpkins

  • Trees turning colors

  • Apple picking

  • Fresh cider

  • A focus on gratitude

  • Comfortable clothing

  • Fall spices in the scents

  • Reduce your sweating

You can expand your mind with a variety of activities, such as art walks or museum visits. These experiences will provide new opportunities for learning and help you build new neuropathways. Active options can also be beneficial to your health.

Bicycle riding- There is no better way than sitting on a bike to observe the seasons in nature. You get a good workout and fresh air, while also getting a boost in your respiratory system.

Horseback riding You don't need to wait until you go on vacation to ride a horse. You can either find an equestrian center within driving distance or spend a weekend at a ranch for the weekend.

Pickup game. Sports are better for your heart than watching from the couch. Touch football can be an hour-long exercise that can help a woman burn 472 calories.

Farmers Market -- Fresh food is usually healthier than the products you can find at grocery stores.

Leave - If your yard is affected by the loss of its autumn foliage, you have plenty to do. Gardening is a productive way of getting fresh air and burning calories.

Join a gym - Although most gyms are packed in January because of people who have resolutions, you can start your exercise program in the fall. You'll look great for the holidays, while everyone else is giving up on their summer swimsuit bodies.

Take a class If autumn inspires you to learn, try yoga or tai-chi. It will bring you a lot of benefits to your mind and body.

Hike If the weather is good, go hiking. You can enjoy the wind in your hair, Vitamin D from sunlight, and some physical conditioning while hiking.

Preventing Illness

There are steps you can take that will help you stay healthy no matter what season. According to the Harvard Health Medical School website, harmony and balance are key ingredients in maintaining an immune system strong. Your immune system is weakening can lead to serious illnesses and even cancer. Healthy lifestyle choices like the ones below are a great way to boost your immune system.

Exercise Building fitness improves cardiovascular function, and lowers blood pressure. These health benefits improve your overall health and boost your immune system.

Sleep Seasonal changes may affect your sleep patterns, such as a change in family schedules or the length of day. Lack of sleep can reduce your immunity system's ability to fight off illness.

Healthy food A healthy diet is essential all year. But seasonal changes can make it easier to replace old recipes with new meals that use different fruits and veggies.

Vaccinations -- Although COVID-19 gets more attention, flu season is right around the corner. Both vaccines are available - check with your doctor.

Chiropractic care One of the main benefits of chiropractic care is an improvement in your body's capacity to fight off illness. Manual adjustments improve the alignment of your spine which increases your immune system response.

Although we're all on the same journey around the sun, the experience will be different depending on where you live. While some parts of the U.S. won't notice any temperature changes, others will keep their shovel ready. There are some universally accepted ways to stay healthy, strong, and sane as autumn draws near. It's also worth noting that the best time to view the Northern Lights is in fall.

Dr Jen Murphy

Owner of Murphy Chiropractic and Wellness Center

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