The Importance of Well-Being In Uncertain Times

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There are certain things that we can all count on. Learn from our mistakes. Time with family and friends is the most precious thing. Your dog is your ace in the hole when you have a bad day.

You can remain grounded in the face of uncertainty.

Living with Uncertainty

American Psychological Association has an article on how people deal with uncertainty. Professor at the University of California Riverside, Kate Sweeny (Doctor of Philosophy) found that people are more optimistic when they wait for important news than when they actually hear it. As a way to prepare for bad news, they tend to drop their hopes in the final minutes.

Sweeny's research team discovered that law school graduates who are waiting for their results from the bar exam experience the worst. However, the most optimistic people can endure the wait with less anxiety than the rest. Participants who received bad news (including students who failed the bar exam) were asked whether waiting was the most difficult part. The participants were asked if they preferred anxiety (which is primarily the waiting experience) or anger and despair (which occurs after bad news).

Sweeny states that uncertainty is an under-addressed cause of suffering. It's something people might not be comfortable discussing, so it can be difficult to do the research. It is well worth the effort. It is important to understand uncertainty because it has an impact on the lives of people."

Researchers also looked at coping strategies to reduce anxiety and fear when anticipating the impact of information. The research team found that "flow" is an effective way to reduce emotional suffering. Participants who were immersed in an activity or played Tetris experienced a feeling of well-being. Interviews with subjects revealed that this works because the activity you are focusing on makes it seem like time is passing more quickly. There's less space for uncertainty and distress.

Sweeny's team worked with Wuhan researchers during the COVID-19 quarantine period. They found that people who engaged in flow-inducing activities, such as running, painting, and gardening, enjoyed the same well-being levels as those who had not yet been placed under quarantine.

People You Can Count On

It is important to have people that you can trust for guidance or help. The Business Insider offers an article on who you should have in your life.

  • The Spark – Inspirational and motivating, the spark is the best part of the idea phase.

  • The Mentor – A mentor is someone who offers guidance, expertise, and care. They can also be a sounding board or a teacher, gently pointing out your mistakes.

  • The Coach – A coach can help you get through tough times, from tough love to the most difficult moments of your life.

  • The Sister – She doesn’t have to be your sibling in order to get to know you well and cheer you on when you fail or others abandon you.

  • An Energizer - A positive output from an energizer can fuel you and give you the motivation to overcome setbacks or endure suffering.

  • The Believer A believer sees your greatness even when you fail to live up to your expectations.

The Stabilizing Force of Routine

Many people find comfort in routines when they are returning from periods of loss, addiction or trauma. A healthy routine provides a stable structure that supports your well-being.

According to Northwestern Medicine, a solid program can help improve your function in many areas.

  1. Quality of sleep - A lack of a routine can lead to worry about falling behind, and wakefulness that causes you to ruminate on catching up with to-do list items. This can lead to daily fatigue. Your sleep habits have a direct impact on your health and quality of rest.

  2. Stress Level - When you plan your time around stress-relieving activities like yoga and meditation, it is easy to find them. Relaxing activities can help you overcome the tendency to worry.

  3. Your physical condition - Regular visits to the dentist, chiropractor, and other health professionals will help you stay healthy and fit, which will allow you to live your favorite lifestyle choices.

  4. Time management – By creating a routine, you can prioritize what is important and reduce the stress of feeling behind the eight ball.

Most people can expect to gain new perspectives as they age, whether it's learning that there is no free lunch or the belief that children grow up too quickly. Your life choices and the support systems you have will determine how easily you can weather the storms. When you reach a point where everything seems to be in order, remember one of the most important sayings: The only constant changes.

Dr Jen Murphy

Owner of Murphy Chiropractic and Wellness Center

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