12 Month Diet: How To Take Some Meat Out Of Your Diet

take meat out

You may be in decorative gourd season, but we are going to discuss going meatless this month. Ok, not completely meatless, for those meat-lovers out there, but reducing the amount of meat you consume each week.

There are many advantages to eating vegetables and adding a Monday without meat to your diet. Continue reading to learn how you can eat less meat and not give up on it completely.

Why Choose Less Meat?

The best thing about meatless diets is the emphasis on whole grains, fruits and vegetables. These foods are high in vitamins, minerals and fiber. They can help you stay healthy and keep the body running at its best. A diet high in vegetables has been shown to lower the risk of developing heart disease than a meat-rich diet.

These benefits don't require you to eat a lot of veg. You can make a difference in your health by reducing how much meat you consume each week. To have a healthier, more balanced diet, it is beneficial to reduce your meat intake and increase the consumption of other foods.

You have to start somewhere

It's possible that you aren't inclined to change to a more meaty diet right away. This could mean limiting the amount of meat you eat one day per week.

This is the easiest meal to prepare. You can make a breakfast burrito each morning with sausage and eggs. Add some vegetables like bell peppers and avocados. You can also opt for oatmeal with nut butter, or a smoothie. You should be satisfied until lunch if your breakfast contains plant-based protein.

Explore All That Beans Has to Offer

Beans are not only a magic fruit but they can also be used to make Monday night meat swaps a lot more interesting. Beans can be used in a variety of dishes, and they are both inexpensive and easy to prepare. Beans are high in protein, and you have a wide range of options for how to prepare them. You might be surprised by the variety of bean-centric recipes you discover for your Monday night dinner.

Take a few days to try it out

You might want to try a new approach if you are used to eating meat on days ending in Y. You can enjoy a more veggie-centric meal more often than you might think. You don't have to eat meatless Mondays. Add a few additional days with meatless meals to the weekly schedule. There's no reason to say you can't have Chickpea Thursday and Seitan Sunday.

Shrink Your Meat World

A great way to reduce meat consumption is to give up certain types of meat. Nutrition experts agree that red meat is the most harmful for our health and wellbeing. Instead of cutting out all meat, you can reduce the intake of red meat and stick with chicken or fish. You can then refine your diet by including more plant-based proteins and other foods to your diet.

Know your Swaps

If you are worried about missing meat, there are many options to substitute it for. Lentils and mushrooms have a meaty texture so you might consider substituting them for beef in your next recipe. You can also swap half of the meat for a plant-based substitute. To make an impact, you don't need to go full hog (or even jackfruit).

Be realistic

Everybody has a boundary they can't cross. You can't give up on a meal if you are certain it is the right one. You can have your favorite Five Guys burger every now and again, or put some lox on top of your bagel. It's not about making big, dramatic changes to your meat intake.

This month, challenge yourself to think beyond Meatless Mondays. Find ways to reduce meat consumption and add more fruits, vegetables and nuts to your diet. You'll be a blessing to your heart and wallet.

Dr Jen Murphy

Owner of Murphy Chiropractic and Wellness Center


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